The Caring Community of DREAMS
Kind-heartedness began from the innocense of the Elementary School radiating into the pillars of Junior High School, the Senior High School, the College, the Graduate School, the Personnel, the Alumni and the SPCβs Administration. They all create an unending cycle of sharing which flows into the community - an influential act of goodness which inspires positivity.
A humanitarian organization that inspires its adopted community to foster compassion and generosity bounded to serve for the greater good of all mankind.
The organization advocates the preservation of the service to its adopted community as imbued by the Catholic belief of devoting live to others through outreach programs which capitalizes partaking, altruism, and love for others.
Main Objectives
To extend its services / programs to the less privileged members of the community in order for them to become productive and self-reliant.
Quality Objectives
1. To make people aware of social realities towards the development of local initiative, optimal use of human, technical and material resources and strengthening of peopleβs capacities
2. To form structures that hold the peopleβs basic interests as oppressed and deprived sectors of the community and as people bound by the interest to serve the people
3. To initiate the responsible actions intended to address holistically the various community health and social problems.

The Life in Water (Elementary - Aqua Blue)
It symbolizes the main source of existence in general. Its fluidity reflects how the organization continues to support people around and its untiring efforts to reach every parched community while dynamically evolving to all the changes brougth by time.
The Illuminating Sun (Junior High School - Yellow)
The organization embraces the identity of the sun as it gives off light. It has the power to rule over every challenge in everyday life. Right from the beginning, the organization has vowed to bring about hope and never to leave anyone into darkness. As one community, the act of compassion illuminates as bright as the sun.
The Prismatic Rays (Senior High School - Orange)
The brilliant colour brings about the positive energy in the community. It serves as the force driving each individual to continuously uphold its philosophies of caring and thriving to make the difference in every peopleβs lives.
The Earth(College and Graduate Studies)
Looking closely, the colours of blue, yellow and orange combined produces vivid green. It signifies the image of earth which universally reflects the gift of every life - from a child to a holistic man. Every Dreamer seeks to prudently provide utmost care to every individual in the adapted community which in return fosters generosity, growth, and progress.
I. Dona Maria Village Phase II βPurok Kuliglianβ: (2004 β 2013)
Starting 2004, SPC DREAMSβ task of alleviating poverty at βPurok Kuligliganβ had been an institution-wide activity integrating different departments of San Pablo Colleges. Involvement sprang from department heads, faculty members, personnel and students with all departments correspondingly represented. Health Education and Medical Clinics have been spearheaded by College of Nursing, Free Day Care Program by the Graduate School and College of Education, Spiritual Formation by Grade School Department, Livelihood Programs by the Colleges of Business Administration and Accountancy, Feeding Program by High School Department, Sports Development by Physical Education Department, Computer Literacy and Documentation by College of Computer Studies, and Training Seminars and Information Dissemination by College of Arts and Sciences. The annual Christmas Gift Giving is the united effort of all departments for deserving families of the area.
Resources for the implementation of SPC DREAMS outreach programs are funded by the SPC administration in its annual budget. Furthermore, the official DREAMS Shirt was launched to be worn regularly by students, faculty and personnel every first Wednesday at the Main Campus, every first Friday at the San Rafael Campus and during outreach activities. Proceeds from the DREAMS shirt sales contribute to the budget for βChristmas Gift Givingβ moreover ensuring 100% institution-wide participation. The DREAMS Shirt carries with it the DREAMS logo and inspiration: βTruly I say to you, because you did it to the least of my brothers, you did it to meβ (Matthew 25:40).
II. Purok 3 Riverside / Purok 6 Mahabang Parang DI Calihan, Barangay San Francisco: (2014-2019)
On December 19, 2013, a formal farewell program for the old adopted community was conducted at San Pablo College together with the signing of new memorandum of agreement between the SPC Administration and Barangay San Francisco Council to formally adopt a new community, Purok 3 Riverside, Barangay San Francisco. On 2016, there was a transfer of adopted community from Riverside to Mahabang Parang DI Calihan in same Barangay.
A. Preliminary Social Investigation for Selection of New Site
After a significant number of years of service to a particular community, the need to transfer to a new community is called for once self-reliance has already been established among community members. In selecting for a new community to transfer outreach programs to, a year-long preliminary social investigation is conducted while simultaneously preparing the old adopted community through organization and empowerment.
The major criteria used in the selection of the new project site are as follows:
1. Site must be depressed and underserved community with the majority of the population belonging to the poor sector.
2. Health services in the site are inaccessible or inadequate to meet the needs of the community residents.
3. Poor initial health status of the community in general
4. The area must not have a serious peace and order problem to ensure the safety of the project staff, students and faculty members who will be involved in the program initiated
5. There must be no strong resistance from the community regarding the program initiated.
6. The area is not currently served by similar agencies or program to avoid competition and duplication of services.
Table 1. Timetable used for the pre-selection of new site

B. Integrated Outreach Programs:
1. College of Education and Graduate School: Free Day Care Program
With the general objective of developing childrenβs literacy, specifically, the program aims to teach learners to recognize letters; shapes and numbers, use writing materials properly; express themselves fluently in basic languages; getting along with peers; distinguishing right from wrong; and practicing what is right. The SPC DREAMS Free Day Care Program has received commendable feedbacks from residents particularly the beneficiaries of the program. The existence of Free Day Care Center provided by SPC DREAMS not only inspired beneficiaries because of the cost subsidy of acquiring early education but also enhanced beneficiariesβ perspectives on the value of education. Thus, obtaining education for the residents no longer a far-fetched dream.
2. College of Nursing: Health Teaching and Medical Clinics / Medical Mission / Operation Tuli
The area on health teaching and education initiates regular assemblies that enhance awareness of residents of βPurok 6 D.I. Brgy. San Francisco (Calihan)β on proper healthy habits and living, responsible parenting, as well as environmental sanitation. Health teachings and education aim to: educate the resident participants of the community on how to properly take care of the different body parts; teach them on how to manage or give emergency home treatment; provide free medical, dental check up to the indigent residents of the community; provide free immunization to indigent infants and young children in the community; provide and deliver free circumcision to the indigent children residents of Barangay San Francisco and other nearby barangays, and inculcate on the parents the importance of responsible parenthood and its effect on their children.
3. College of Arts and Sciences: Family Solidarity
Family Solidarity focuses on women, child and family promotion addressing issues on responsible parenthood and protection of human rights. It advocates issues on violence against women and children; early pregnancy among minors; rights and privileges among senior citizen. Hence, to strengthen family values, relationships and solidarity eventually leading to harmonious and productive relationships in the community.
4. College of Business Administration, Accountancy and Hospitality Management: Livelihood Programs
These include skills training programs spearheaded eventually strengthening the competencies acquired by residents through actual application of entrepreneurship and marketing assistance to prospective small entrepreneurs. By providing resources and motivation in putting up their small business that would result to bigger opportunities.
5. College of Computer Studies: Computer Literacy
Additional training on computer literacy is also being implemented by SPC DREAMS to orient and educate the youth in using Office software and for them to gain additional computer know-how and give advantage in searching for employment. The College of Computer Studies facilitates this activity through lecture and hands on activities on Operating Systems and Word Processing applications. Simple hardware troubleshooting seminars have also been conducted. The additional computer knowledge and experiences gained by each participant is very useful in their search of future employment.
6. Department of Physical Education: Cultural and Sports Development Program
The SPC DREAMS sports development program indirectly addresses social, physical and health concerns among residents of Purok 6 D.I. Brgy. San Francisco (Calihan). The program aims to promote physical development among residents through sports to eliminate vices and other illegal activities. Cultural dance presentation likewise honing artistic talents of the community youth. Not only do these activities promote camaraderie and interpersonal relationship among participants but also harness physical abilities of those involved which are vital to maintain proper health condition. Healthy recreational activities as such also contribute to become productive members of the society.
7. High School Department: Environment Preservation and Sanitation
The High School Department spearheads seminars and trainings on proper care of the environment, proper waste segregation and disposal and why such practices are important in assuring the health of the community. The High School Department implements βKalikasan ay ating pagyamanin; mga halaman ay ating paramihinβ. Medicinal plants and other resourceful plants were planted within the premises of the assigned area.
8. College of Education and High School Department: Supplementary Feeding Program
The SPC DREAMS Supplementary feeding sessions are performed on a weekly basis on preschool pupils enrolled at the Free Day Care Center to improve weight and height of the beneficiaries, enhance nutritional status of children, provide supplementary feeding and develop health condition of children. The initial and final weights are taken to monitor the impact of the feeding program on the nutritional status of the children. The preschoolers are given high protein, high calorie diet for each feeding session. During this preschool phase, the physical growth a child is slow while the emotional, social, and intellectual developments are rapid. A child becomes very receptive to learning at this stage. Hence, the regular supplemental feeding conducted by SPC DREAMS is imperative to the development of learning abilities of preschoolers.
9. Grade School Department: Spiritual Development Program
The spiritual formation of residents of Purok 6 D.I. Brgy. San Francisco (Calihan) is an SPC DREAMS undertaking implemented by the Grade School Department to develop awareness among grade school pupils on the extension services, help children learn and pray the basic prayers, make children realize that the Father is a good and loving God, help children understand and appreciate Godβs creation, and to make children become grateful to Jesus for His love for them. Catechism classes are facilitated by the department with the involvement of the principal, teachers and grade school pupils.
This is geared into building an evangelized community of residents with proper values formed and inculcated among families in the community. Being able to acknowledge the love of God for every person, gives every resident hope, faith, human dignity and pride as a child of God. This may develop values of parents toward responsible parenting and maintain healthy relationship with family members and neighbors. The belief in doing good unto others promote harmonious relationship thereby facilitating peace and less chaos in dealing with each other.
Similarly, all spiritual related activities to beneficiaries are facilitated by the Grade School Department including facilitating mass during gift-giving and community assemblies.

A. Concept
The San Pablo Colleges in its desire to attain its Mission, conceived of coming up with a community outreach program called DREAMS (Dr. Eufronio Alip Memorial Series), named after the late Dr. Eufronio Alip, one of the founders of San Pablo Colleges. Its main objective is to extend its services / programs to the less privileged members of the community in order for them to become productive and self-reliant. The concept of Primary Health Care will be utilized in this program which is a practical approach to the effective provision of health services that are community based, acceptable and sustainable at a cost which the community and the government can afford. It includes the full participation and active involvement of the community towards the development of self-reliant people capable of achieving an acceptable level of health and well-being. It recognizes the interrelationship between health and over-all socio-economic development.
B. Method / Strategy:
Adopt a depressed community.
Community Organizing and Participatory Action Research (COPAR)
It is a continuous and sustained process of educating the people to let them understand and develop their awareness of the existing conditions; it is working with the people collectively and efficiently, discover their immediate and long term problems and mobilizing the people to develop their capabilities and readiness to respond and take action on their immediate needs toward the solution of their long-term problems.
And composed with the different Student DREAMS Club Officers of every department
C. Involvement:
The SPC DREAMS Outreach Program is a school-wide venture. For the implementation of alternative approaches towards the attainment of objectives, active participation of all the departments and offices is strongly solicited. Involvement of faculty, students and personnel is thru attendance and participation in the different projects and activities thru financial support or donations. Management includes in the annual budget as appropriation for the outreach program.
D. Resources:
- Financial report from the SPC Administration
- Linkages with government and civic organization
- Assistance from alumni
- Barangay Resources:
1. Human Resources
o Barangay Health Workers
o Barangay Council
o Community residents
2. Natural
o Water
o Electricity
o Day care school site (future)
o Barangay Health Center
o Assembly area

Social Media
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Hermanos Belen St., Barangay 3A,
San Pablo City, Laguna, 4000