Brief History of the San Pablo Colleges
To meet the needs of the growing school-age population of the City of San Pablo and its neighboring towns, a group of pioneering men, among them Major Ricardo Bonilla, Dr. Antonio Azores, Mr. Ambrosio Alcantara, and many others founded and established the San Pablo Colleges in 1947. From its humble beginnings in makeshift rooms and rented buildings, the San Pablo Colleges in a brief span of five years acquired a one-half hectare piece of the walled lot at Hermanos Belen Street, in the heart of the City of San Pablo. Dr. Antonio Azores was its first President. It was during Dr. Alipβs tenure that full government recognition was granted to the Grade School, the Secondary School, and courses in Secretarial, Education, Commerce, Liberal Arts, and Law.
However, it was in the middle 1950s that the San Pablo Colleges began to build its prestige in becoming one of the notable institutions in this part of the country, and it was also at this time that a comprehensive building program was undertaken. Judge Paulo de Gala Macasaet, considered the father of this Golden Era of Renaissance, was Chairman of the board of Trustees and later College President. During his time the Graduate Institute and the Nursing Course were successively recognized, which then inspired him in coming up with the objective: A school that would be second to none.
This quest for educational excellence initiated by Judge Macasaet is now the very goal pursued by his successors. The present leadership has embarked on programs seeking the accreditation of its course and has been continuously searching on how the teaching-learning process will not only be effective and efficient but relevant as well. As everyone knows education is ever-growing and there is no end to its progress. Every generation shall have its contribution and for now, there is no substitute for the development of the College we all love and revere.
An excellent academic institution which nurtures diverse learners through relevant, innovative, and value-laden education.
To develop the learners holistically and to transform them to be globally competitive professionals through quality instruction, research, and community engagement.
P-assion for Learning
C-aring Community
Willingness to shape services to meet the changing needs of all learners and stakeholders, thus, making significant contributions to the larger community.
Passion for Learning
Strong and harmonious engagement among learners considers everyone as self-determined individuals who are capable of recreating themselves to improve teaching and learning.
Caring Community
Expression of genuine relationship between self and others, thus, inspiring and sharing one's success and significance with larger community that goes beyond giving respect to the worth and dignity of all.
Sense of Pride
Delighting in one's success and continuously seeking for challenging experiences, while enhancing one's feelings of pride and self-worth and staying connected and proud of being identified as an SPCian.
S-ense of Pride
Fidelity to and being grounded in the faithfulness of God, realizing that there is more to life thereby committing their lives in the service of mankind and the salvation of souls.
Guided by this philosophy, SPC foresees a SPCian who shall achieve their full potential as a transformed graduate with:
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Hermanos Belen St., Barangay 3A,
San Pablo City, Laguna, 4000